
Use intellij key map for pycharm
Use intellij key map for pycharm

use intellij key map for pycharm use intellij key map for pycharm

Even cooler, the editor will know how to uncomment lines, even when commented out manually. Instead of going to the beginning of line and manually typing //, Cmd+L will do that for us. Transforming the current line into comment is essential in bug tracking. Features that could easily boost my productivity in a piece of software I spend so much time with. Visiting other options opened my eyes for new features to look for. Weeks, or even months later, I came back to IDEA, realizing that it has virtually all features found elsewhere, and it felt a bit more robust. Even more so, I was so close to ditching IDEA (or rather Web Storm) for Sublime Text 2 due to the cool features available through its plugin mechanism. All impressed me with their own unique features. In 2012 I spent quite some time giving other IDEs a chance. I can’t say I’m a shortcut junky, but knowing a few make my life a whole lot easier. Another way to boost productivity is learning how to use the assets we already own, such as IntelliJ IDEA. When we need to get productive, we often invest money in new gadgets, software, or even a new computer.

Use intellij key map for pycharm